Parish Office
Our parish office is located at 47 Dornoch Tce, West End, Qld 4101. If you would like to come in and visit us, please do call ahead to ensure we are physically there as we look after 4 churches and a hall, so we sometimes have to pop out to deal with events that arise. Appointments are available outside office hours, simply call to book in.
Office hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 2pm.
Parish Administrator:
Fr. William Aupito Iuliano
Email: aupitoiulianow@bne.catholic.net.au
Parish Pastoral Co-Ordinator:
Sr Salvacion Bunao SFI
Email: pastoral.stbrisbane@bne.catholic.net.au
Parish Secretary: Reyna Bran
Email: stitaspar@bne.catholic.net.au
Local Safeguarding Representatives:
St Francis of Assisi Church: Liam Cunnane – 0477 306 166
St Ita’s Church:
Liam O’Rourke – 0411 033 321
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church: TBA
New Parishioners
If you are new to the area we welcome you, and invite you to register with our Parish. Parish Registration Forms are available here. Please download and complete the new parishioner form and return it to the Parish Office. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Parish Office for more information.
External Links
- St Ita’s Primary School
- Saint Stephen’s Cathedral
- Saint Mary’s Parish South Brisbane
- The Archdiocese of Brisbane
- Centacare
- Learn more about the Capuchin Franciscan Friars, Australia: www.capuchinfriars.org.au
Some other links that may be of interest:
- St Vincent De Paul Society Qld www.vinnies.org.au
- Vinnies Assistance & Support: 1800 846 643
- Cradio – www.cradio.org.au – Catholic radio and podcasts.
- Vision Christian radio (national christian radio in Australia) – www.vision.org.au