Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, godparents and carers who attended at the information night, the home lessons, the retreats and the final celebration, your support for your child’s sacramental journey shows them, not only your love but the importance you place on this sacrament.
A special thank you to Sr Salvacion, with the help of the Sacramental Team and the Missionaries of Charity Sisters, as well as the St Ita’s Choir who made this sacrament special for the children and their parents.
Please continue to keep these children and their family in your prayers.
St Francis Table Ministry to the Elderly
Download our Information PDF on the Ministry to find out more:
Do you know an elderly person in our parish who would enjoy getting out and meeting new people? St Francis Table Ministry to the Elderly is back in full swing. It is great to hear the laughter every 1st and 3rd Mondays at St Francis Hall. There are generally approx. 20 people who come along, join in the games and fun and finish with prayer and a lovely meal together. This is a fantastic ministry for the Elderly and they enjoy coming as they consider it a ‘safe haven’ somewhere they can have fun, meet up with friends and spend a little time in prayer together. Invite your family, neighbours and anyone in our parish who would benefit.

Lenten Reflection Commencing 11th March 2025
Every Tuesday Until the 18th April
SYNOD OF BISHOPS Sunday, October 17, dioceses around the world launch local preparations for the Synod of Bishops, which has the theme: For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation & Mission The Catholic Church in Australia invites you, the People of God, to make submissions via an online portal that which will help the Bishops develop a national report to support the global process leading to an international gathering in 2023. Find out more at:

QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CATHOLIC VIEW ON VACCINATION? You can learn more about Pope Francis’s recent encouragement to all to get vaccinated with approved Covid-19 vaccines in the link below. Pope Francis referred to it as ‘an act of love.’ The Archdiocese of Brisbane supports COVID-19 vaccination except for those people with a valid medical exemption from their health professional. We do recognise that some Catholics have concerns about the origins of the cell-line associated with the development of the AstraZeneca vaccine. If this is a concern for you then the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines provide two alternatives that avoid this issue.

The Season of Creation – A Historic joint Statement issued by Pope Francis, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury is below —this is a first ever message from the three faith leaders calling on all Christians and their communities to address the ‘unprecedented threat of climate change and environmental degradation.
Catholic Christianity
Catholic Christianity Project is an online initiative aimed at reaching those who might be enquiring about the Catholic faith. This project features a weekly podcast and video presentation that systematically walks listeners on a journey toward faith, addressing everything from how do we know there is a God, to why the Church’s moral teachings can actually be life-giving and compelling when properly understood. Join us on a journey through the teachings of the Catholic Church, explained in a way that is inspiring, challenging, and easy to understand. Find out more about Catholic Christianity here: Where to get Catholic Christianity The first episode of Catholic Christianity Season 1: Reasons to Believe is now available. To listen to the podcast, visit your preferred podcast streaming platform. To watch the video, visit the Catholic Christianity YouTube channel, or head to the Catholic Christianity website at You can also follow Catholic Christianity on social media to stay up to date with the latest episodes: Facebook Instagram Twitter
Sacramental Program is now open for 2025
To enrol please scan the QR Code below, complete the form and upload Once you have filled out the form, please visit to complete registration or email documents to

May 2025
PILGRIM VIRGIN STATUE Pilgrim Virgin Statue October Invite a Pilgrim Virgin statue into your home and commit to praying the Rosary everyday while it is there. To arrange for a home family visitation of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue during October please contact the Parish Office or Sr Salvacion (note all government directives for sanitising are followed)
The Parish Needs Your Support
We have several fundraising projects at the moment due to the major areas of need as below:
Dutton Park Parish: St Ita’s Church— repair costs for damage due to white ants Starting at $30,000
St Ita’s Presbytery – Repainting, repair and general maintenance of this beautiful house which is on the Local Heritage Register due to its special connection with the Dutton Park Catholic Community since 1919. It is also important as it is the birth place of Brisbane Catholic Education.
Donations to these projects can be made by deposit to Dutton Park Fundraising Account: BSB: 064-786; ACC: 100024754 Ref: Your Surname and the purpose (eg presbytery or church repairs)
Mass Times:
Saturday 5pm: St Ita’s Church
Sunday 7am: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
Sunday 9am: St Francis of Assisi

Reconciliation Action Plan is a guide for all agencies & parishes to build respective relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to gain an understanding & appreciation of the effects of racism, to acknowledge historical impacts of colonialization & identify opportunities to build new pathways to address this through a series of activities and learning opportunities To find out more