
Sacrament of Baptism

The baptism of an infant is the beginning of a child’s faith life and journey with the Christian community. It is therefore an important decision for parents to make on behalf of their child.  For a child to be baptised a Catholic is it essential that one parent is a Catholic and that both parents agree to nurture the faith life of the child as much as possible. It is also essential that Godparents are baptised Christians, one being a Catholic.

If you would like your child to be baptised please complete the Baptism Enrolment Form and return it to the Parish Office along with your child’s birth certificate.

The Sacrament of Confirmation

This Sacrament is for children who turn 8 years old (grade 3) or older.

For the dates of Confirmation click here

Click this link to access the Enrolment Form

Once complete, kindly send to stitaspar@bne.catholic.net.au


The Sacrament of First Holy Communion

This Sacrament is for children who turn 9 years old (grade 4) or older.

Preparations for this sacrament is normally during the month of August and September end with the celebration in September.

The Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation)

This Sacrament is for children who turn 10 years old (grade 5) or older.

Preparations for this sacrament is normally during the month of February and March.

Any enquiries regarding all our Sacramental Program please contact the Parish Office email stitaspar@bne.catholic.net.au

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Are you interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith?

You might like to join our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).

RCIA is a group of adults who explore aspects of the Catholic Faith together in a journey of faith, accompanied by the support of a parish community. During the journey you meet with others to share, reflect, pray and learn more about the Catholic faith.  There are ceremonies or ‘rites’ at each stage to signify the steps along the way. 

Instruction for RCIA is begins each year in September, meets once a week and continues through the year until the Easter Vigil.

Please contact the Parish Office on 3324 3736 or email stitaspar@bne.catholic.net.au for more information. Cost – free!


Our Church’s are fantastic venues for the perfect wedding. Their proximity to the inner city and numerous riverside reception venues makes them not only a beautiful choice, but is conductive to a well considered and thought out wedding day, as guests can move seamlessly from one venue to the next. We invite you as a couple to visit one of our weekday or weekend church services to experience first hand our churches.

All the information you will need is included in our Wedding Information Booklet and Application Form, which can be downloaded below.  After reading the information in the booklet, please ensure to contact the Parish Office to ensure that your date is available for your wedding at the church of your choice. Upon receipt of the completed Application Form and payment of a deposit for your wedding, your special day will be booked.

See photos of our churches or visit us for our masses to see for yourself what our venues are like.

Wedding Information and booking form

Please note that to be married in a catholic church at least one partner must be a Roman Catholic. 

Anointing The Sick

If you would like someone to visit you for prayer and/or communion, please contact the Parish Office.


Please contact the Parish Office for funeral arrangements.